Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Roblox vs Minecraft

                                                       Roblox vs Minecraft

Roblox vs Minecraft. A dicussion going on for years. People have given bias results. Today this ends, because I am going to give an opinion on which game is better and a reasonable opinion, not some five second read. This will be split into 4 subjects; Pricing, Community, Personality and  Gameplay.

Roblox-   Roblox is free to play at first, but could get boring especially if you want to develop (developing talked about later in Gameplay and Personality) games. Roblox has 4 plans of payment; NBC= Free
BC= $5.95/ Per Month
TBC=$11.95/Per Month
OBC=$19.95/Per Month 

The payments are different because of how much of something you get. For example NBC gets to make 1 game. BC gets to make 10 games etc. Also included are allowance and items available to purchase.


Minecraft- Minecraft is $20 for life.



Roblox- The community of ROBLOX varies but the age is around 9-18 year olds. Alot of spam is on ROBLOX but most people dont take it on and don't continue to spam. It is easy to set up servers in ROBLOX, just a few clicks and BOOM its up for everyone to see. This doesn't mean it is easy to get players to play because of DEVELOPING. Developing is using ROBLOX Lua, the language used in scripting to design your games which enables anything to happen. This brings up ROBLOX's educational aspect especially if you want to program computers/video games later in your life.


Minecraft- Minecraft's community really does vary as I am unsure because I have seen 9 year olds play it and grown men play it. It is safe to assume to age is between 9-45. I've tried to set up a server on Minecraft before and it was impossibly difficult. Having to enter my IP address and a whole bunch of other things that I don't remember by heart. Plus, the fact that MOJANG wants to know my IP address creeps me out. I don't need Notch dressed up in a Creeper costume finding me and appearing at my doorstep. Plus, Minecraft is hacked constantly meaning that my IP address can go to anyone in the world. For those who dont know what an IP address is, it is a license plate for computers sort of. And with it people can track you down.



 ROBLOX- I don't think ANYTHING (exception for real life) can get any more personal than this. The fact that you mix and buy shirts, t-shirts, hats (and no normal hats) as well as pants is awesome. 

My Roblox character as a secret agent      


My Roblox Character as an alien assassin.


 So much more customization options are available. 

  Minecraft- Minecraft has very cool skins and capes available to download as well as texture packs, but ROBLOX has the same things and even more. As you can see my ROBLOX character has changed it's form. In Minecraft you are stuck with the blocky type character all though the skins are cool. And you can make your own hats and wear them unlike ROBLOX.




ROBLOX-  The most annoying and common misconception is that Minecraft and ROBLOX are the same concept. This is untrue. ROBLOX is a game where you can do anything, be anything, build anything. ROBLOX does not have one setting where each world is almost exactly the same, ROBLOX is a website, with a user interface that allows you to play seperate games, for example you can be on a crashing spaceship or on a pirate ship using cannons. You can be fighting in a zombie apocalypse or in an alien invasion. You can be playing laser tag or paintball. ROBLOX is all imagination gone wild. ROBLOX is a world where anything is possible. I hate it the most when people say that in ROBLOX you just get supplies and in Minecraft you have to search for supplies. ROBLOX IS NOT A SURVIVAL GAME, it can be if you play a survival on ROBLOX in which you do have to collect your items. I remember one of my favourite games on ROBLOX called Space Affliction (not made by me.) It is really fun, basically you are in space and you have to get your spaceship and fly to different planets and destroy the enemies. It is very realistic and fun. I forgot to mention, you might need you shield and lasers.


Minecraft- Minecraft is extremely addicting, in Minecraft you explore a world and pick up bricks, build a house, fight monsters, farm and fish etc. I have a problem though, with the lack of creativity in Minecraft and I will explain what I mean. Before I start though I want to make this clear. I KNOW ABOUT MODS AND TEXTURE PACKS. I KNOW WHAT THEY DO. My complaint is that in Minecraft, it doesn't matter that the grass looks different with a texture pack it is still the same concept; some grass here, some snow there, some stone here, some lava there, some rivers over that way, some sand over the other way and some obsidian deep down into the "Earth." No matter how you put it you are restricted to this same space every game. In ROBLOX you can go anywhere.

                                            In conclusion...

This will be separated into different parts then I will total up which game wins more of and that will be my decision. Feel free to leave your own comments but try not to be aggressive, please note that I respect all of your opinions and will not reply rudely unless you leave a rude comment.

Pricing- Minecraft wins due to $20.00 for life.

Gameplay- ROBLOX wins due to huge amounts of difference in games and large selection of games.

Personality- ROBLOX wins due to Developing and body morphs.

Community- Minecraft wins due to less spam.

                            AND IT'S A TIE.

Leave your comments below.


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